Thursday, December 21, 2017

Welcome, Welcome!

Hello!  Welcome! Thank you for stopping by my blog!

I'm a 34 year old wife and mother of three: two boys who are seven and four and a daughter who is 21 months. 

Lately (the past couple of years) I have felt like I have been drowning in life's little annoyances and the fun things in life have really taken a backseat to just surviving.

My goal for this blog is to help me stay on track and get my shit together.  I'm going to try to build some good habits to ease some of the monotony and time suckers of the mundane things in life in order to make time for the fun things in my life. I want more time to play with my children, laugh, flirt with my husband, make some friends, and enjoy life.

 That's not to say that I'm going to be ultra strict and have a million to-do lists and optimize every second of the day.  No way.  Been there, tried that, not for me.  I will have "to-do" lists - but on those lists I want to prioritize things that will make me better as a whole and to carve out that time to form meaningful relationships with my family and friends.

I plan on writing about some of the following:
-  Cleaning:  flylady - I just started her cleaning method and I've seen some awesome improvements in my house
-  Outfits of the day:  I'm happy to live all day everyday in my 10 year old yoga pants.  However - I want to look put together when I go out.  There are a couple mom's at my son's school who look IG worthy every single day.  No joke.  I'm amazed by them.
-  Menu Planning.  I figure I do this every week so I might as well share what I'm doing in case it helps someone else.
- Grocery hauls - Two of us at my house are gluten free - so again - if it helps someone else than awesome.  I mostly shop at Trader Joe's
-  Day in the life - My hope here is to encourage myself to do something fun.  I'm sure there will be plenty of boring day in the life posts out where I don't do much other than clean my house in my old a$$ yoga pants and feed my children.  But my hope is that it inspires me to make an effort to do something fun and take the time to build those relationships that are so important to me. 
-  What I eat Wednesday:  A lot of the fitness bloggers I read do this segment and I love getting new ideas of what people eat.

Also - If I'm really, really brave I will start a YouTube channel.  Gulp. 

Here's the deal:  I'm a really, really private person.  I don't have Facebook and my husband and I don't allow anyone to post pictures of our children online.  SO - I won't post pictures of my children or my husband on here.  I will post pictures of myself though. 

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I wanted to post some weekly goals here. I wrote them in my planner as well so hopefully seeing them in a couple different places will help ...